Monday, October 1, 2012

Selecting An LSAT Book For Self-Study

The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is not like any other tests that you have taken in all your years in school. LSAT is not about memorizing facts. It is not based on knowledge – legal or any other type of knowledge. LSAT tests the skills of a person to use logic and reasoning to analyze text and scenarios and come up with conclusions. There are no formulas used to answer LSAT questions.

Quick, thorough and strategic thinking is the key to ace the test. The good thing is you can study and practice to sharpen your thinking and reasoning skills. There are different options you can consider to prepare for LSAT – self-study, online classes, live prep courses, LSAT software and even LSAT DVD programs.

Self-studying is the most practical way to prepare for LSAT. While it is convenient because you do not have to attend classes somewhere, self-study requires a lot of discipline. If this is your choice, you need to create and stick with a schedule for your LSAT study and practice.

Obviously, the best self-study material is an LSAT book. Make sure to select books that are relevant to what you need. Do not base your purchasing decision on someone else’s recommendation because their needs might be different from yours. For instance, if you need to help with the basics of LSAT then of course an advanced LSAT book will only further confuse you. Always identify your particular study needs first and base you LSAT book choices on these.

A good alternative to an LSAT book that is not too costly is an online LSAT prep course. It contains practically the same prep material as a live prep course, only you have the advantage of accessing the lessons online instead of attending a class. Many web-based prep courses provide students with an online contact that they can consult if they have questions, which actually makes it a better choice over an LSAT book. Consider this option if you want the freedom to study without the coaching of a teacher but want support when you need it, which you will not get from an LSAT book.

If you are certain that an LSAT book is all you would need to prepare for the LSAT, make sure not to buy used LSAT books from someone who got it from best LSAT prep course. The materials provided in such courses are not meant for self-study and will not be helpful to you. Make sure to purchase an LSAT book designed for your purposes. An LSAT book can be all the help you need because the test methods and strategies taught in live or online courses are generally the same as those taught in prep books. However, how effective the LSAT book is will depend on whether self-study is indeed the best way for you to learn.

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